The academic majors and curriculum have been designed by recognized local and international academic institutes and have been benchmarked to similar programs at local and international universities.

  • The scientific references for these programs are international accreditation bodies, scientific associations, and top universities. In addition to many more academician and practitioner experts with doctorate degrees, and medical boards and fellowship have participated and/or reviewed the programs’ curriculum.


  • The designed programs aimed at developing the basic knowledge and skills and understanding necessary for success in a broad range of careers that meet the labor markets.


  • Quality of education is accomplished through effective teaching, which is the highest priority of academic affairs at UM. Effective teaching in the pursuit of UM mission requires that the students are proficient in their field of study, therefore, the academic affairs has considered that when developing any program curricula.


  • We at the academic affairs have designed a policy for curriculum development that aims to improve the current programs as well as designing new programs in accordance with the market needs. To achieve that we continuously assess the current academic programs with the collaboration with the colleges to improve its content to meet the advancement of the field of study as well as maintaining the labor market needs.